The Last Wooden Bridge over the River Rhine

Posted by Justin

Today as we traveled from our temporary accommodations in St. Gallen to meet up with the rest of our party in Hasliberg Reuti, we decided to take a longer route so we could say we'd been to Liechtenstein. As often happens when you have a loose plan and are open to deviations from the plan, we happened across a wooden bridge spanning the Rhine River. Interestingly, as the Rhine forms the boundary between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, there is a spot halfway across the bridge where you can stand in both countries at the same time! Here are some pics below as proof. 

Have you ever stood in one spot and been in two different countries before? Imagine what has to happen from an international relations perspective for that to happen....

One last thing, this actually is the last remaining wooden bridge over the Rhine. Pretty cool, eh? Thanks to serendipity for this experience!


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