Bull Fight! (...not really)

Post by Jonah and Thomas

In Arles (southern France) we went to a bull game. There was a big Roman arena in Arles where they held bull fights. They weren’t actually fighting the bull, they were just playing with it. The goal of the sport was to get some string that was atatched to the bull’s horn. The bull would get pretty mad and charge at the people trying to get at its horn. One time, one of the bulllfighters fell as he was running away from the bull. He curled up into a ball to protect himself from the angry bull. He ended up being okay but it was pretty scary to watch. Even though they are dangerous, the bull games are actually fun to watch. We liked it so much that we went three times. It was especialy exciting when the bull jumped out of the ring. When this happened, all the bystanders had to hide behind boards or jump into the arena. It was a nice thing to do while we were in Arle.


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